UnrealEgo Benchmark Challenge | ![]() |
We provide datasets for stereo egocentric 3D human pose estimation. Our datasets capture a wider variety of human motions that can be seen in daily human activities.
UnrealEgo2 is a new large-scale synthetic dataset with 1.25M stereo images with 72 body joint annotations (32 for body and 40 for hand).
UnrealEgo-RW is a real-world dataset captured with our portable device, providing 130k stereo images and 16 body joint annotations.
Following the best practices for the performance evaluation benchmarks in the literature, we withhold the ground truth of test datasets of UnrealEgo2 and UnrealEgo-RW to prevent overfitting and tuning on the test sets. For performance evaluation of your methods on these test sets, please see the instruction in the Evaluation section.
Also note that UnrealEgo2 is fully compatible with UnrealEgo. This means that you can train your method on UnrealEgo2 and test it on UnrealEgo, and vise versa.
The test data of UnrealEgo is publicly available, including 72 body joint annotations (32 for body and 40 for hand).
See our project pages and papers for more details of our proposed datasets.
For questions, please directly contact the first author.
Hiroyasu Akada: hakada@mpi-inf.mpg.de
If you use our datasets, please cite all of the papers below.
title = {UnrealEgo: A New Dataset for Robust Egocentric 3D Human Motion Capture},
author = {Akada, Hiroyasu and Wang, Jian and Shimada, Soshi and Takahashi, Masaki and Theobalt, Christian and Golyanik, Vladislav},
booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
year = {2022}
title = {3D Human Pose Perception from Egocentric Stereo Videos},
author = {Akada, Hiroyasu and Wang, Jian and Golyanik, Vladislav and Theobalt, Christian},
booktitle = {Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2024}
You can use our download scripts to donwload UnrealEgo2.
Please make sure to have ~3TB free space for storing UnrealEgo2.
Also, check the description of metadata in the last section.
Script for depth data (optional)
bash ./download_unrealego2_train_val_rgb.sh
bash ./download_unrealego2_train_val_pose.sh
bash ./download_unrealego2_train_val_depth.sh
Script for depth data (optional)
bash ./download_unrealego2_test_rgb.sh
bash ./download_unrealego2_test_depth.sh
The data is stored as follows:
UnrealEgoData2 [_train_val_rgb, _train_val_pose, _train_val_depth, _test_rgb, _test_depth]
├── Environment Name 1 (ArchVisInterior_ArchVis_RT, etc.)
│ ├── Day
│ │ ├── Human Model Name 1
│ │ │ └── Glasses Name [SKM_MenReadingGlasses_Shape_01]
│ │ │ ├── Motion Category 1
│ │ │ │ ├── Motion Sequence 1
│ │ │ │ │ ├── fisheye_final_image (RGB data)
│ │ │ │ │ ├── fisheye_depth_image (Depth data)
│ │ │ │ │ └── json (keypoint, etc.)
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ ├── Motion Sequence 2
│ │ │ │ └──...
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├── Motion Category 2
│ │ │ └──...
│ │ │
│ │ ├── Human Model Name 2
│ │ └──...
│ │
│ └── (Night)
├── Environment Name 2
├── Environment Name 3
We provide txt files that divide UnrealEgo2 into training, validation, and testing splits.
We provide the calibration file of the cameras in UnrealEgo2 based on the OpenCV and Scaramuzza fisheye camera models.
Note that UnrealEgo and UnrealEgo2 datasets use the same camera. Also, the left and right cameras share the same intrinsic parameters.
Also note that "size" and "image_center" in the calibration file of the Scaramuzza fisheye camera model are stored as [width, height].
We provide metadata for each frame:
: translation (X, Y, Z) in the UE4 global coordinate systemrot
: rotation (P, Y, R) in the UE4 global coordinate systemground_z_value
: height of the ground plane in the UE4 global coordinate system, i.e. ground where characters perform motionscamera_[right/left]_pts3d
: camera-relative 3D keypoint location (X, Y, Z) in the OpenCV coordinate systemcamera_[right/left]_pts2d
: 2D keypoint location (X, Y) in the image coordinatedevice_pts3d
: 3D keypoint location (X, Y, Z) relative to the midpoint between stereo camerasNote that device_pts3d
is used as a ground truth for the device-relative pose estimation task.
Also note that UnrealEgo2 is fully compatible with UnrealEgo. This means that you can train your method on UnrealEgo2 and test it on UnrealEgo, and vise versa.
The test data of UnrealEgo is publicly available, including 72 body joint annotations (32 for body and 40 for hand), whereas the test data of UnrealEgo2 and UnrealEgo-RW are not (See "Evaluation" page).
You can use our download scripts to donwload UnrealEgo-RW.
Please make sure to have ~170GB free space for storing UnrealEgo-RW.
Also, check the description of metadata in the last section.
bash ./download_rw_train_val_rgb.sh
bash ./download_rw_train_val_pose.sh
bash ./download_rw_test_rgb.sh
The data is stored as follows:
UnrealEgoData_rw [_train_val_rgb, _train_val_pose, _test_rgb]
└── studio
├── Date 1 (2023_01_17, etc.)
│ ├── Human Model 1 (S1, etc.)
│ │ ├── Motion Sequence 1
│ │ │ ├── fisheye_final_image (RGB data)
│ │ │ └── json (keypoint, etc.)
│ │ │
│ │ ├── Motion Sequence 2
│ │ └──...
│ │
│ ├── Human Model 2
│ └──...
├── Date 2
We provide txt files that divide UnrealEgo-RW into training, validation, and testing splits.
We provide the calibration file of the cameras in UnrealEgo-RW based on the OpenCV and Scaramuzza fisheye camera models.
Note that the "size" and "image_center" in the calibration file of the Scaramuzza fisheye camera model are stored as [width, height].
We provide metadata for each frame:
: height of the ground plane in the UE4 global coordinate system, i.e. ground where characters perform motionscamera_[right/left]_pts3d
: camera-relative 3D keypoint location (X, Y, Z) in the OpenCV coordinate systemcamera_[right/left]_pts2d
: 2D keypoint location (X, Y) in the image coordinatedevice_pts3d
: 3D keypoint location (X, Y, Z) relative to the midpoint between stereo camerasNote that device_pts3d
is used as a ground truth for the device-relative pose estimation task.
The test data of UnrealEgo is publicly available, including 72 body joint annotations (32 for body and 40 for hand), whereas the test data of UnrealEgo2 and UnrealEgo-RW are not (See "Evaluation" page).
This page provides instructions on how to prepare your predictions of 16 body joints for evaluation on the UnrealEgo2 and UnrealEgo-RW datasets.
At most four submissions for the same approach are allowed. Any two submissions must be 72 hours apart.
Please check our inference code that automatically generates submittable zip files of the predictions.
Note that UnrealEgo2 is fully compatible with UnrealEgo. This means that you can train your method on UnrealEgo2 and test it on UnrealEgo, and vise versa.
The test data of UnrealEgo is publicly available, including 72 body joint annotations (32 for body and 40 for hand).
The predictions should be stored in the following directory structure.
In each motion sequence
directory, please create a single json
directory for each frame.
We provide exemplar prediction files stored in the directory as explained here.
Note that the provided test.txt file contains information regarding the name of environments, human models and motions.
├── Environment Name 1 (ArchVisInterior_ArchVis_RT, etc.)
│ ├── Day
│ │ ├── Human Model Name 1
│ │ │ └── Glasses Name [SKM_MenReadingGlasses_Shape_01]
│ │ │ ├── Motion Category 1
│ │ │ │ ├── Motion Sequence 1
│ │ │ │ │ └── json
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ ├── Motion Sequence 2
│ │ │ │ └──...
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├── Motion Category 2
│ │ │ └──...
│ │ │
│ │ ├── Human Model Name 2
│ │ └──...
│ │
│ └── (Night)
├── Environment Name 2
├── Environment Name 3
└── studio
├── Date 1 (2023_01_17, etc.)
│ ├── Human Model 1 (S1, etc.)
│ │ ├── Motion Sequence 1
│ │ │ └── json
│ │ │
│ │ ├── Motion Sequence 2
│ │ └──...
│ │
│ ├── Human Model 2
│ └──...
├── Date 2
In the created json
directory, the predicted 3D joint position for each frame should be stored as a single json file named frame_[index].json
The name index of the json file should match that of the corresponding RGB data, e.g., frame_13.json for final_13.png.
└── json
├── frame_0.json
├── frame_1.json
├── frame_2.json
The json file should contain the dictionary of 3D positions (X, Y, Z) of the following 16 joints.
: headneck_01
: neckupperarm_l
: left upper armupperarm_r
: right upper armlowerarm_l
: left lower armlowerarm_r
: right lower armhand_l
: left handhand_r
: right handthigt_l
: left thigtthigt_r
: right thigtcalf_l
: left calfcalf_r
: right calffoot_l
: left footfoot_r
: right football_l
: left ballball_r
: right ball{
"head": [
"neck_01": [
"upperarm_l": [
: headNeck
: neckLeftArm
: left upper armRightArm
: right upper armLeftForeArm
: left lower armRightForeArm
: right lower armLeftHand
: left handRightHand
: right handLeftUpLeg
: left upper legRightUpLeg
: right upper legLeftLeg
: left legRightLeg
: right legLeftFoot
: left footRightFoot
: right footLeftToeBase
: left toeRightToeBase
: right toe{
"Head": [
"Neck": [
"LeftArm": [
Submit zip files of the prepared directory to [hakada at mpi-inf.mpg.de].
Please use institutional email address and include the following information:
Method | Training data | MPJPE (mm) | PA-MPJPE (mm) | 3D PCA | AUC |
Akada et al., CVPR 2024 (T=5) | UnrealEgo2 | 30.53 | 26.72 | 97.22 | 80.75 |
Akada et al., ECCV 2022 | UnrealEgo2 | 72.82 | 52.90 | 91.32 | 55.81 |
Zhao et al., 3DV 2021 * | UnrealEgo2 | 79.64 | 58.22 | 88.50 | 53.82 |
Methods with * are re-implemented by Akada et al., CVPR 2024
Method | Training data | MPJPE (mm) | PA-MPJPE (mm) | 3D PCA | AUC |
Akada et al., CVPR 2024 (T=5) | UnrealEgo2, UnrealEgo-RW | 72.89 | 56.19 | 90.29 | 57.19 |
Akada et al., ECCV 2022 | UnrealEgo2, UnrealEgo-RW | 92.48 | 67.15 | 84.25 | 48.04 |
Zhao et al., 3DV 2021 * | UnrealEgo2, UnrealEgo-RW | 97.86 | 69.92 | 81.53 | 46.32 |
Akada et al., CVPR 2024 (T=5) | UnrealEgo-RW | 104.14 | 82.18 | 80.20 | 46.22 |
Methods with * are re-implemented by Akada et al., CVPR 2024
Method | Training data | Upper body (avg) | Lower body (avg) | Head | Neck | Left upperarm | Right upperarm | Left lowerarm | Right lowerarm | Left hand | Right hand | Left thigh | Right thigh | Left calf | Right calf | Left foot | Right foot | Left ball | Right ball |
Akada et al., CVPR 2024 (T=5) | UnrealEgo2 | 17.10 | 43.97 | 1.85 | 4.85 | 10.49 | 10.17 | 19.11 | 18.71 | 36.67 | 34.96 | 17.92 | 18.14 | 33.09 | 32.74 | 59.93 | 58.33 | 66.53 | 65.09 |
Akada et al., ECCV 2022 | UnrealEgo2 | 50.09 | 95.52 | 16.71 | 21.21 | 39.14 | 37.56 | 62.19 | 63.94 | 84.00 | 75.98 | 51.77 | 50.52 | 95.83 | 91.68 | 116.38 | 110.53 | 128.08 | 119.36 |
Zhao et al., 3DV 2021 * | UnrealEgo2 | 55.67 | 103.97 | 21.50 | 26.67 | 45.02 | 43.85 | 67.66 | 67.12 | 89.55 | 83.99 | 61.33 | 62.41 | 101.96 | 99.37 | 123.11 | 118.52 | 138.09 | 126.97 |
Methods with * are re-implemented by Akada et al., CVPR 2024
Method | Training data | Upper body (avg) | Lower body (avg) | Head | Neck | Left upperarm | Right upperarm | Left lowerarm | Right lowerarm | Left hand | Right hand | Left thigh | Right thigh | Left calf | Right calf | Left foot | Right foot | Left ball | Right ball |
Akada et al., CVPR 2024 (T=5) | UnrealEgo2, UnrealEgo-RW | 46.23 | 99.55 | 18.66 | 22.37 | 27.68 | 33.24 | 55.42 | 58.45 | 75.45 | 78.55 | 56.41 | 57.14 | 84.81 | 84.14 | 122.52 | 119.35 | 139.61 | 132.41 |
Akada et al., ECCV 2022 | UnrealEgo2, UnrealEgo-RW | 60.00 | 125.04 | 20.29 | 29.63 | 46.26 | 39.50 | 73.83 | 75.11 | 94.11 | 101.29 | 62.20 | 62.91 | 113.13 | 107.11 | 162.13 | 147.31 | 182.68 | 162.85 |
Zhao et al., 3DV 2021 * | UnrealEgo2, UnrealEgo-RW | 64.87 | 130.85 | 25.54 | 34.33 | 50.21 | 45.77 | 77.87 | 79.23 | 100.16 | 105.85 | 67.45 | 67.09 | 118.20 | 112.94 | 168.92 | 151.77 | 188.27 | 172.16 |
Methods with * are re-implemented by Akada et al., CVPR 2024